This week our sweet MK turns 7 months old! How did over half of a year go by so quickly? It really has been a big adjustment going from 1 to 2. We are just now getting the hang of taking both of them out easily - I am still deciding the best way to have them both at the grocery store, haha! Molly is about as sweet a baby as I have ever known! Of course, she has plenty of fussy moments as all babies do, but she is generally happy, content, and very flexible. I am much more flexible this time around too! With Emma I had read every book, and did most things exactly the way the books/schedules/etc. said that I should; and, with Molly I am less worried about having the perfect schedule, and more concerned with just surviving each day!
By now I feel like we have a pretty good schedule. Most mornings Molly and I have some quiet time and take care of her first feeding around 7:30 and wait for Emma to wake up (best sleeper award!) and Aaron to get off work. After that we basically have a great eat/wake/sleep schedule every 3-3.5 hours until bedtime. She is a pretty good night sleeper, but we will be doing sleep training this week and moving her into the girls' shared room, haha. Hopefully she will transition easily since we are going to the beach on vacation shortly after.
At 7 months (tomorrow):
-She eats about 5 times a day, and we have started solids (sweet potatoes are a fav).
-She is in size 3 diapers
-She is in size 6-9 month clothes (Emma was in these around 11 months (wow))
- She can sit up, but not steady enough for me to leave her without a little cushion for the occasional fall
-She still has a paci (we took Emma's away at 6 months, but for some reason this one gets away with a little more, haha ;))
-She is still in the pack and play, but will hopefully transition to the crib ASAP
-Her feet seem to be in great shape (they were curved in at birth, but should adjust to normal as she puts more and more pressure on them and learns to walk)
-She is just the most happy baby, and such a joy to be around.
I am so grateful that the Lord has entrusted our two little ones to us to parent and grow in the admonition of the Lord and look forward to the day that He might allow us to adopt more children into our family. God has been so gracious to us in giving us these sweet blessings and we pray daily that we would teach them well so that they may come to know and love Jesus!
In other news, our big girl is potty trained! Some of you may know that I started potty training several times, but I was either very sick while pregnant, too large to clean up accidents at the end of my pregnancy, or had a newborn. So, we waited. Two weeks ago I took the plunge and this time it was easier than any of the times we had tried before. I basically provided the potty, undies, and some incentives, and she decided to play along :). The first day we had one accident and after that none. If you want to know specifically what we did, let me know. I think the fact that she has been going #1 in our potty off and on for the last year and I waited longer than planned worked in our favor.
Emma is also taking summer dance classes, and seeing all of these 2 and 3 year old girls in pink leos and tights is about the sweetest thing (almost as sweet as a freshly bathed baby in pjs. Anyway - pics will be coming soon!
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