Monday, February 13, 2012

Sweet Kisses

This is an old picture of Emma when she would do this "kissy face" all of the time.
One of our favorite things is to get a kiss from our sweet girl! She is very generous with her hugs and kisses, but we also have a few tricks to get a hug and kiss too.

We play a little game I like to call "Nighty-night," haha, where you pretend to be sleeping and the only way to wake someone up is by giving them a kiss. So if we pretend to sleep she will almost always come up and give you a kiss and yell "Wake!"

I've also taught her the Barney I love you song, to my husband's chagrin (ha!), and whenever we sing the part about a great big hug and kiss she gives them both.

Other things she does right now that I don't want to forget:
Calls fish "shish"
When she wants to go outside she will sometimes say "grass?" instead of "ouside"
She LOVES to dance - which is running on her tip-toes and clapping around
She can clap to "If you're happy and you know it," and do some of the motions with "head, shoulders, knees, and toes"
I can also put her hair in pigtails - but she doesn't really sit still enough for me to get them in well.

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