Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Emma at 7 months

at 7 months Emma is doing so many new things so I wanted to document them on the blog:

-she has started doing the army crawl and can drag/roll herself across a room
-she smiles all the time now and loves to giggle an has even started squealing
-she babbled “mama” this month.
-she is eating stage 2 foods for 2-3 meals a day, and nurses about 5 times a day.
-most nights she sleeps between 10-12 hours with 2-3 naps every day
-she is wearing 6 month clothing, although she is long and skinny so not everything fits just right.
-she just had her first snack this week and is working on learning how to self-feed and take a sippy cup on occasion.
-she will be moving into size 2 diapers this week
-she had her first cold last month and her first ear infection this month ☹
-she loves to be active ad on the move
-I think bananas and yogurt are her favorite foods if I had to guess, but she eats everything so far

Overall we are just grateful to the Lord for the gift of this little girl! We are truly blessed! She is such a happy and easy (in my estimation) baby. We pray that one day she will be a wonderful older sister to future siblings and most of all that she would come to know and love Jesus!

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