Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Waste Your Summer...Read a book!

Each Summer, I (Aaron) tell the students in our church, "Don't Waste your Summer....Read a book!" It is amazing how many students have never read a book outside of their assigned reading at school. Even worse, without prompting, students might never read a book about Jesus, the gospel, or Bible doctrine. So each summer at Grace Baptist, the students are encouraged (read: required) to read at least one good Christian book. My hope is that they would 1) come to believe the gospel, repent of their sins, and trust in Christ, and 2) come to love reading about the gospel and about Jesus.

I thought it might be fun to share with you what books I will be reading this summer.

1. Dear Timothy: Letters on Pastoral Ministry. by Tom Ascol + others.

2. Evangelism Handbook. by Alvin Reid.

3. The Master Plan of Evangelism. by Robert Coleman.

4. God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible by Vaughan Roberts.

5. Don't Make Me Count to Three: A Mom's Look at Heart-Oriented Discipline (This is a good book for Fathers, too) by Ginger Plowman.

6. Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God. by Joshua Harris.

7. What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert.

As I read these books this summer I might post updates and some pertinent quotes or summaries. For those of you looking for a good book to read, I would recommend #4, #6, and #7 for starters.

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