Thursday, June 24, 2010

2 months from today!!

Today is June 24th, and it really hit me today that Emma's due date is exactly 2 months from today!!! Although we are preparing for her as best we can, I am starting to feel very overwhelmed at the list of things we have yet to do before she comes. I started to include a list of a few of the things we have left to do to prepare for Emma's arrival and just listing them made me a little stressed out, ha! So... I decide not to include that here, but I do plan on knocking out several of those items this weekend. In the meantime, my goal is to not get caught up in the stress of how overwhelming this time can be, and instead, concentrate on enjoying this time with my husband and our growing baby inside my belly, to pray diligently for her as she grows and develops, and most of all to thank God for blessing us with this child!

As you can see in the picture, at 31 weeks Emma should be weighing about as much as 4 navel oranges and is 16 inches long - amazing!
We also had our second and final baby shower this weekend with my family in Charlotte and were incredibly blessed by everyone's generosity!! I do not have any picture because they are on my mom's camera, but here are a few big items that we received:

We really received so many wonderful gifts and I cannot say thank you enough to my family for everything and for my aunt Betty and cousin Lesley for hosting - THANK YOU!!

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