Wednesday, September 19, 2012

26 weeks

I always see these weekly pregnancy updates on other blogs and thought it would be fun to post!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: Molly Kate should be around the size of a head of lettuce!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not really sure at this point with all of the weightloss from sickness, but I am definitely on the gaining side now!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity with the exception of t-shirts and athletic pants, but I keep those confined to our home, haha.
Gender: Girl!
Movement: Yes! She is moving a lot. Mostly when I am laying down at night or in the morning.  Maybe I just don't notice it during the day when I am busy with Emma?
Sleep: Sleep is good except for the fact that I get up 1-2 times a night to use the bathroom.
Symptoms: I am pleased to say that I am over all of my more severe sickness.  Although I feel pretty good most of the time, I still get the occasional nausea, tiredness, and I start to feel bad when I need to eat or I eat too much, haha.
What I miss: Not much, maybe being able to sleep on my stomach?
Cravings: Doritos!
Best Moment this week: Setting up the bedding in the girls' room and finding out i passed my glucose test!  And, of course, hearing Molly Kate's heartbeat at my appointment!
What I am looking forward to: I have an ultrasound in a week and a half, and hopefully we will see a growing and healthy Molly Kate!

And just because, here is a sweet picture of Emma from back in August...

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