Friday, November 9, 2012


Everyone seems to be putting up facebook posts, etc. on what they are thankful for, so instead of trying to keep up with something like that every day, i thought i would do a one time, short list.

What I am most thankful for November, 2012:
1.  The Gospel - the fact that by God's grace, He drew this sinner to Himself and turned my heart of stone into a heart of flesh is something I will never get over.  God has made me alive through Christ, and for that I am most thankful!
2.  Those two cuties in the picture above and this precious little one in my belly.  I'm so thankful for the husband that God has given me - he loves me with a sacrificial love and works so hard to provide for our family.  I still can't get over the gift of our biggest girl, Emma.  She is 2 and I still can't get over the fact that she is ours.  I am so thankful for a happy, energetic, talkative, and loving daughter.  And also, our soon to arrive little Molly.  I am thankful that God has knit her together in my womb and thankful for the opportunity to be a mommy to our girls.
3.  Family.  This includes mine and Aaron's biological families as well as our church family.  These are our support systems in good times and bad.  This year has been both wonderful and difficult and we have been so blessed by other people and I could never express how thankful my heart is to the people that have helped us through.
4.  My "job."  So, I am a stay-at-home mom.  I absolutely love it, and really can't imagine doing anything else.  I am by no means, a super-organized, always has a clean house and laundry caught up type of mom.  In some ways I wish that I was - I could better manage my time and my tasks almost every day.  But, I do try and love on, play with, and teach my daughter every day and use my time wisely.  I am so thankful for God's provision for our family that I am able to spend my days doing these things.

  Of course I am thankful for so many more things, but these are the ones on the very top of my list, and if I were to keep going this post would be much longer than anyone would want to read through.  :o) 

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