Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Size of baby: 16 inches long and weighs almost 3.3 lbs. Molly is the size of four navel oranges!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I go to the Dr. on Friday, so we will see, but I'm sure I'm still gaining.
Maternity Clothes: Basically all maternity
Gender: Girl!
Movement: She moves a lot, but some days I start to worry because I won't feel her move very much. If I lay down on the couch at night we can usually see her moving all around.
Sleep: I sleep great once I can get to sleep - been staying up later recently. Still wake up for bathroom breaks, though.
Symptoms: Even though I still take nausea medicine, morning nausea has hit many times recently. I've also had some reflux i think, and am very tired during the day.
What I miss: Getting up quickly, bending over, etc. haha
Cravings: This weeks' craving was the Pioneer Woman's guacamole - which I made and ate for dinner one night, haha!
Best Moment this week: It's been a rough week because Emma has been sick, but we took her to the state fair last Thursday and we all had a great time! I especially loved the food!
How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Size of baby: 16 inches long and weighs almost 3.3 lbs. Molly is the size of four navel oranges!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I go to the Dr. on Friday, so we will see, but I'm sure I'm still gaining.
Maternity Clothes: Basically all maternity
Gender: Girl!
Movement: She moves a lot, but some days I start to worry because I won't feel her move very much. If I lay down on the couch at night we can usually see her moving all around.
Sleep: I sleep great once I can get to sleep - been staying up later recently. Still wake up for bathroom breaks, though.
Symptoms: Even though I still take nausea medicine, morning nausea has hit many times recently. I've also had some reflux i think, and am very tired during the day.
What I miss: Getting up quickly, bending over, etc. haha
Cravings: This weeks' craving was the Pioneer Woman's guacamole - which I made and ate for dinner one night, haha!
Best Moment this week: It's been a rough week because Emma has been sick, but we took her to the state fair last Thursday and we all had a great time! I especially loved the food!
What I
am looking forward to: We have an appointment on Friday that includes another ultrasound (please pray for continued growth), and then we are off to Hickory to hang with my folks, and Aaron and I are planning to celebrate my birthday/babymoon/ early anniversary all in one in Blowing Rock. I have a birthday in the same week as my mom and dad so we will get to celebrate with them too!